In the future of media, which is now, everybody is a network. In the past, networks were defined by control of content or distribution. But […]
Author: Ste Drayton
Email between Kevin and David
All of these lists were around 5-10% higher at the start of the year, but we’ve finally started cleaning them to remove dud and inactive […]
How to Handle Online Criticism
So, your nonprofit organization has started an online forum for its volunteers, so that these volunteers can talk about various issues relating to their service […]
Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore
“Thou shall post every day” is the most fundamental and most well known principle of blogging…. Every new blogger is warned about “the” ultimate rule […]
Helping people to decide
Decades ago people used to do deep and interesting social psych research. They’d set up strange and complex situations, then watch how people reacted. Some […]
Adapt or Die
As newspaper companies confront a challenging future, they are increasingly viewing their trademark print product as the engine driving a diverse “portfolio” that embraces other […]
SEO and file names
“I am curious to get additional input on the imortance of file names (i.e. keyword.html) as it relates to SEO. Some experts advise to name […]
Climate Key words
Searches climate 124,267 climate control 24,536 climate change 17,433 climate news 11,814 national climate 9,890 climate change solutions 9,465 saudi arabia climate 8,573 climate […]
Key words in the URL
No I don’t have any evidence concerning the weight that keywords in the URL play. It is gererally accepted that keywords in the URL have […]
URL recall & search engine
“Does MSN (& other search engines) rank a site differently if a key term being searched on is repeated within the entire URL?” * Placing […]