Most of us use Technorati to find out how popular we are, of course.  If
your ranking is high enough, you get to sit at the cool kids’ table in the

Um, yeah.  Technorati’s an interesting and useful tool, but I wouldn’t take
the exact numbers too seriously.  Theoretically, it’s tracking your blog’s
“influence” as measured by how many people are linking to you.  The
critical bits are the number of incoming links from other blogs, your
site’s “rank” (which shows the number of blogs that have more incoming
links than you over the last 180 days), and your “authority.”  “Authority”
seems to derive  from the number of incoming links, again over the last 180
days, and from the variety of sites those links come from (i.e., 100 links
from 50 sites seem to count more than 100 links from 1 site, though I don’t
know if links from more influential sites matter more than links from less
influential ones). Technorati also shows the actual sites that have linked
to you.

Technorati’s numbers fluctuate a lot (their system seems unusually buggy),
so I generally look at overall trends without focusing so much on the
details.  Main question: is my stuff interesting enough that other people
link to it, and if not, how can I improve it?  What kinds of articles tend
to draw the most incoming links and from what kinds of sites?  What other
sites are in my idea space, and what are they writing about?  The answers
to these questions can help you figure out how to build your audience and
promote your articles.

There are a ton of tips out there about building blog traffic, but the best
advice seems to come down to this: define your niche, post good content,
post frequently, pitch your articles to other sites if you think the
authors might be interested (but don’t overdo it), and look for other sites
that might run your articles with a link back to your main site.  I wrote a
few recommendations up last November, if you’re interested:

Oh yeah, that’s another one: occasionally post your articles to online
discussions, if it’s appropriate to the topic and adds value to the
conversation — but don’t do it so often that people make fun of you.