By Gavin Heaton
Next month in Melbourne, leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world are gathering to explore whatʼs possible, and to develop ideas on how we can best solve todayʼs most pressing social and environmental challenges. It’s a great chance to share your brain with some super smart folks!
There are some great participants including:
- John Hagel: co-chair Deloitte Center for the Edge (USA) and co-author of The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion
- Michel Bauwens: Belgian technologist, theorist and researcher on culture and business innovation and founder of the Peer to Peer Foundation (Thailand).
- Venessa Miemis: futurist, digital ethnographer and writer at Forbes. Blogger at Emergent by Design, founder of Open Foresight and producer of The Future of Money (USA).
- Pete Williams: social web revolutionary and CEO of Deloitte Digital. Helped rebuild Flowerdale after the 2009 Victorian bushfires and is #hannahsdad (Australia).
- Kate Carruthers: Marketer, technologist, educator, blogger. Co-Chief Changemaker at Social Innovation Sydney (Australia)
- Christine Egger: champion of social innitiatives and former Co-Director of Social Actions (USA).
- Stephen Johnson: Social Enterprise Evangelist and Community Catalyst. Head of Social at Community Engine (Australia).
- Jean Russell: collaboration catalyst and founder of and (USA).
- Kristin Alford: Futurist and communicator at Bridge8. Exploring the role of science & technology, in innovation, economic development, social change and sustainability (Australia).
- Tim Longhurst: Futurist, speaker, minimalist and activist (Australia).
- Ehon Chan: Researcher, teacher and change agent. Co-founder News Unlimited and YESBrisbane, Board Member at PlanBig (Australia)