It’s the trillion dollar question. Justin Fox, in a recent post here, put it this way: “I don’t think anyone has come up with an argument […]
Month: April 2010
Do the Marketing So the Technology Works
At a major conference at which I was speaking, a man interrupted my fundraising session with a confession: “I have a DonateNow button from your […]
The Engineering of Consent
Suggested by Sacha: Edward Bernays “One of the central concepts Bernays proposes is not to sell a product, but instead to sell the need for […]
Perception, not intent, is the only reality on the internet.
People like to take things out of context. A communications director of all people should know this – so why even risk posting tweets mentioning […]
Enhance Donor Identity & Involvement
If ever there were a time to invest in enhancing donor experience, now would be it. As people start to reassemble themselves after the apocalyptic […]