- Jackie
My tip is – sometimes it’s OK to ignore tips 🙂 But first, you have to do your research and know what you want to accomplish and who you are doing it for.Otherwise you won’t know which tips to ignore and which to follow in your particular project.
- Glennette Clark
My number one tip for web site owners is to have a content strategy.Oftentimes, content gets the short stick in lieu of design, when it should really be the other way around.Web site owners should know their audiences, know what they want to read, and know how to present it to them.
Without some kind of upfront discussion about content, the web site becomes a place for pretty pictures and not an effective tool for building brands and building businesses.
- Greg Wolkins
My #1 tip is *Be Responsive*. Be eager to engage with your readers/customers/viewers. If someone leaves a comment, starts a discussion, has a question, etc, be sure to respond quickly. Let them know that you are paying attention and are receptive to their input.Even if it’s just to say “I don’t know, let me look into that and get back to you”. A site that appears to be abandoned will quickly be forgotten.
- Cornelius Bergen
My tip would be to never assume that once the site or a feature goes live it’s done. Your site will require regular attention like a garden.Every feature launched on the site is like a seed and without nurturing, it will die. And sometimes you’ll need to pull out things that are just wasting space.
- Dan Millar
My number one tip for website owners is don’t over complicate your site. Spend time at the start planning your content and functionality. Then sit back, read through, and strip out anything which isn’t absolutely necessary.Once the site is launched keep reviewing your analytics, if features aren’t being used either investigate why and adjust your architecture (if business critical feature) or strip it out.
- Jeff
My Tip is always keep the goal and the purpose of your website in mind, especially when adding features.If you keep your content good, and your site simple and easy to use people will come back again and again.