Keyword Use Factors
The following components relate to the use of the user’s search query terms in determining the rank of a particular page.
Keyword Use in Title Tag
Placing the targeted search term or phrase in the title tag of the web page’s HTML header
4.9Exceptional Importance
0.4High Consensus
Gets bolded in the SERPS and is a heavy hitter in optimization.
Andy Hagans
This title tag has consistently been the most important on-page SEO factor for the past few years.
Russ Jones
important for CTR in SERPS, but generally the most powerful HTML tag
you have at your disposal. I chose moderately weighted because of the
duplicate content issues. A good title tag can help a little, a bad
title tag can ruin a page.Christine Churchill
If you have time to do only one SEO action on your site, take the time to create good titiles.
Elisabeth Osmeloski
only is it one of your strongest chances to impact rankings, it is
undoubtedly your BEST chance to convert a searcher to a visitor within
the SERPS. Get the click, get the conversion.Chris Boggs
have seen great and rapid results modifying the keyword use in the
title, especially for large branded sites that already have thousands
of IBLs. Again, with everything, this is also dependent on the word’s
usage within content and IBLs. Additionaly, the “prominence” of the
keyword (closer to the begining) seems to help incrementally, espcially
with sites that agree to place their brand name after the kw. -
High Importance
1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
is important to use the keyword phrase throughout the page where it
makes sense. As engines get more sophisticated, it’s not just the
targeted keyword phrase that counts, but the mix of all the words on
the page that help to determine what the page is about.Aaron Wall
If it is overdone it can suppress rankings. I think they are moving more toward topic analysis to learn what is relevant though.
Michael Gray
is possible to rank pages without the text being on the page, but it
requires a lot more effort from domain trust/authority, internal and
external anchor text if it’s not. -
Relationship of Body Text Content to Keywords (Topic Analysis)
Topical relevance of text on the page compared to targeted keywords
3.4High Importance
1Average Agreement
Eric Ward
Strongly weighted once overall site is trusted.
Aaron Wall
semantically related terms allows you to help associate your page with
other topical pages and helps your page rank for many long tail
keywords.Wil Reynolds
This should also coincide with the theme of the links pointing to the site.
Marcus Tandler
I think this will become more important in the future
Chris Boggs
Seems as if the engines are enjoying more variations of the keyword and semantic equivalents, as recently tested.
High Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Eric Ward
on the topic of the site and the word in the tag. Having a site about
industrial washers with a <H1>Britney Spears</H1> tag is
not going to help.Aaron Wall
hurt your rankings if it is too well aligned with the page title and
anchor text. If templating issues cause too much duplication in a large
section of a website it may also lead to reduced crawling.Ben Pfeiffer
as important as it once was as a ranking factor, but still necessary on
a well optimized page and very useful for organizing page content.Jill Whalen
H tags in and of themselves don’t seem to really matter as my tests
have shown that positions don’t seem to change whether the headline is
wrapped in an H tag or not. -
Keyword Use in Domain Name
Including the targeted term/phrase in the registered domain name, i.e.
3Moderate Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Jonah Stein
If your nicesly aged, non-hyphenated domain name contains your primary keyword, your 25% of the way to the top…10.
Scottie Claiborne
a keyword in the domain name is only helpful if you separate the words
with hyphens. General speculation is that too many hyphens might
trigger a trust issue with the domain, so more than one or two hyphens
is not recommended. A good brand name is always better than a
keyword-filled domain.Aaron Wall
the domain name is an exact match I believe it is strongly weighted
because it might be a sign of a navigational query. Plus having an
exact match domain means their were either early to their topic (and
thus perhaps a topical leader), or they may have paid a domainer
nosebleed prices for the domain.Mike McDonald
don’t see how having a domain consisting of (or containing) one of your
primary keywords could be a bad thing. One of the precious few
consensus opinions in SEO is the importance of link text. That said, I
don’t think there is much (if any) value if the keyword is one of 50
hyphenated keywords stuck in front of a .net. -
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Barry Schwartz
Having them bolded in the search results are worth a lot in my opinion.
Aaron Wall
weighted anywhere near as much as an exact match domain name, but helps
improve CTR (and thus relevancy if CTR factors into relevancy scores)
and some people will link to pages using the URL as anchor text.Ben Pfeiffer
Works very well in Yahoo. Great for user navigation and still worth while to do as a basic SEO methodology. Use hyphens.
Moderate Importance
0.9Average Agreement
Aaron Wall
hurt your rankings if it is too well aligned with the page title and
anchor text. If templating issues cause too much duplication in a large
section of a website it may also lead to reduced crawling.Thomas Bindl
most important on-page criteria (weight changes every now and then and
it can happen that h2/h3 have the same/higher importance than h1Mike McDonald
to H1 tags. Font styles and emphasis would ideally be an objective
judgment on the importance of a word or phrase. Search engines aren’t
stupid though. They know about css and I would be surprised if the
abuse of these types of tags didn’t set off flags of some sort. -
Keyword Use in Alt Tags and Image Titles
Using target keywords inside alt HTML tags and img title tags
2.6Moderate Importance
0.8High Consensus
Andy Hagans
This is very important for Image search, but not as important for Web search.
Scottie Claiborne
an image is used in place of anchor text, the alt acts as anchor text.
Alt attributes for linked images do have some importance when it comes
to SEO. Alt attributes on regular images are important for usability
(think mobile devices and screen readers) but not for SEO.Natasha Robinson
Google Local listings, I’ve actually found some sites ranking for words
that only appear in ALT tags and Image titles of that site. -
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
words apart from the rest of the text indicates that you think they are
important- it makes sense that those words would get a little more
attention in the analysis of the page.Ben Pfeiffer
some weight as a ranking factor, but not very much. Effective usage
might lie in what type of tag you use, but its still undetermined.
Bolds are for markup, strong is for emphasis. I generally use strong
tags and highlight 3-5 keyphrases on a page in slight variations.Jill Whalen
I haven’t seen real evidence to show this as being a factor.
Keyword Use in Meta Description Tag
Utilizing keywords in the meta description tag in a webpage’s HTML header
2Moderate Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
good description can help influence users to click on a listing. The
meta description is still used as the site description for many smaller
directories and engines.Danny Sullivan
And yet, so important for display purposes.
Ben Pfeiffer
are important. Need to be unique for each page and contain target
keywords to encourage search engines to pull snippets from it. Make it
interesting! -
Keyword Use in Meta Keywords Tag
Utilizing keywords in the meta keywords tag in a webpage’s HTML header
1.2Slight Importance
0.5High Consensus
Barry Schwartz
Only Yahoo and I doubt they use it much.
Natasha Robinson
Works for mispellings in Yahoo (Ha, I spelled “mispellings” wrong) – And this is about Google.
Page Attributes
The following elements comprise how the Google interprets specific data about a webpage independent of keywords
Link Popularity within the Site’s Internal Link Structure
Refers to the number and importance of internal links pointing to the target page
4Exceptional Importance
0.9Average Agreement
Eric Ward
seen this be the sole driver of positon 1 rankings, but I’ve also seen
it have zero influence at all. It’s about reputationi.Neil Patel
the proper linking structure, certain pages may not get enough
emphasis. For example with Pronet pages with links directly from the
homepage usually do really well.Lucas Ng (aka shor)
industries with an extremely long tail and a low SERP competitiveness,
the internal link popularity will become a factor in ranking deep
content pages.Chris Boggs
seen multiple examples of top rankings for competitive keywords with
only inbound links pointed to it. Cannot forget to use anchor text
links within the content when applicable, which incrementally boost the
Navigation link’s value, IMO. -
Quality/Relevance of Links to External Sites/Pages
Do links on the page point to high quality, topically-related pages?
3.5High Importance
1Average Agreement
Jonah Stein
Rand, your letting the last SEO secret out of the bag. Shame on you ๐
Barry Welford
relates to the whole concept of authority and hub websites. What’s good
for people should translate into value for the search engines.Russ Jones
Text Tunneling… Site A => Site B => Site C if Site A links to
Site B with the “widgets” keyword, and site B links to C with
“widgets”, there is added benefit.Ben Pfeiffer
Yes, quite important for newer sites. Great things happen to those that share in the same group.
Age of Document
Older pages may be perceived as more authoritative while newer pages may be more temporally relevant
3.4High Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Aaron Wall
documents may be trusted more, especially if they are well cited and do
not have many broken links in them. For blogs and news sites new
documents may tend to have high PageRank values due to internal site
structure. New documents may also be given a freshness boost.Ben Pfeiffer
documents on a trusted site do get spidered more in the beginning.
Domain age is more important than document age. Thus a document on an
older more trusted site will rank better than one a newer site.Marcus Tandler
the recent update, Google seems to be rating this factor a little less,
to prevent parasite hosting and piggybacking, but the age of a
document, the age of the links and the domain itself, is still a very
important factor. -
High Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Jonah Stein
Above a threshold, it doesn’t matter, but pages with all flash and images rarely rank well.
Aaron Wall
too many pages are near the exact size or similar in size to many spam
documents it may seem like the document has a higher probability of
being spam. Google has also been growing more stringent with what they
are willing to let in their index by requiring a minimum PageRank
threshold to allow documents in their primary index. Longer and more
athoritative documents are better than breaking articles into many
shorter pages.Russ Jones
small. I have ranked too many sites with under 15 words on the page to
believe it truly matters. I do believe, however, that in a competitive
arena, it can be used. -
Quality of the Document Content (as measured algorithmically)
search engines can use text, visual or other analysis methods to
determine the validity and value of content, this metric would provide
some level of rating3High Importance
1.3Highly Disputed
Eric Enge
document content is a huge factor in getting links, but is hard for an
algorith to measure and weigh. So really I think external measurements
are used by engines to meadure document quality.Neil Patel
I am a strong believer that content is king. With good content comes great links.
Natasha Robinson
I wished it weighed more or many of those cut & paste spam/blog posts for viagra and real estate wouldn’t rank so well.
Organization/Hierarchy of Document Flow (i.e. broad > narrow)
construction of document text flow – i.e. journalistic style generally
dictates a detail-oriented introduction, a broad level overview of the
issue and increasing specificity and detail as the article continues.2.8Moderate Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Eric Ward
Especially for niche authorities
Aaron Wall
organization not only helps search engines understand how documents
relate to each other, but also effectivley distributes your link
authority.Chris Boggs
As with above, the structure is important. However, each of the pages should be able to stand on their own merit.
Moderate Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Neil Patel
are lot of pages on the web that are old and have not been updated, but
they rank well for competitive terms. I think frequency of updates to a
whole site is more important.Mike McDonald
your page hasn’t updated since 1999… It may not rank as well as a
similar page that updated yesterday. I feel pretty confident on that
one.Laura Lippay
would have to be taken in context to the norm for a site and what makes
the update frequency (or lack of) a flag. Consider the differences of
content updates to a legitimate News site vs. a legitimate Pets site. -
Slight Importance
1Average Agreement
Jonah Stein
Really important not to go beyond the fourth level.
Scottie Claiborne
I have pages with up to seven “folders” in the URL, I would recommend
less whenever possible. While I don’t believe it influences rankings in
any way, it can impact spiderability in some cases.Ani Kortikar
keep it to less than 4
Accuracy of Spelling & Grammar
The literal correctness of spelling and grammar as related to the language of the document
1.8Slight Importance
1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
it doesn’t influence rankings, poor spelling and grammar can influence
visitors- negatively! Misspellings are sometimes targeted for rankings-
in which case it wouldn’t be a misspelling but the targeted keyword
phrase. ๐Wil Reynolds
Due to the advent of “did you mean” spelling corrections inputting misspellings has mattered less.
Mike McDonald
use spell check. Help make the Internet a better place for your
children and your children’s children. If everybody’s using bad grammar
and spelling it makes it too hard to spot the Diggers. -
HTML Validation of Document (to W3C Standards)
Validation of HTML page code as per the W3C consortium, an authoritative body on the standards of web-compatible code
1.4Slight Importance
0.6High Consensus
Aaron Wall
you can get designers to think that your stuff is better because it
validates more of them will pay attention to you, subscribe to your
feed, and link at your site. Otherwise, I believe validation is
somewhat overhyped.Mike McDonald
Please, oh please, make it go away. Validation zealots just plain freak
me out. Walking under ladders, breaking mirrors and stepping on cracks
probably has more influence on your SERPs than validation.Lucas Ng (aka shor)
Adam Lasnik from Google mentioned that rewarding validation & accessibility of documents would be a ‘slippery slope’.
Site/Domain Attributes
The factors below contribute to Google’s rankings based on the site/domain on which a page resides.
Global Link Popularity of Site
The overall link weight/authority as measured by links from any and all sites across the web (both link quality and quantity)
4.4Exceptional Importance
0.9Average Agreement
Barry Welford
web page assessment is the most important. The PageRank mechanism will
arrange that global link popularity will be automatically distributed
among web pages on the website.Neil Patel
I am a strong believer that a sites overall link popularity drastically effect rankings.
Lucas Ng (aka shor)
of a web page as a town. If a city has freeways, airports, train
stations, bus shelters and a port, that’s a good indicator that it is
an important hub. That orphaned web page with no links pointing to it?
It may as well be a hidden tribe of Amazons that no one has discovered.
Age of Site
the date of original registration of the domain, but rather the launch
of indexable content seen by the search engines (note that this can
change if a domain switches ownership)4.1Exceptional Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
believe it’s always had some importance and within the past two years,
aging has taken on more signifigance in the ranking factors.Barry Welford
Very new may slow down true ranking evaluation in competitive fields.
Jill Whalen
Big factor, especially for sites less than 1 year old.
Chris Boggs
We have seen new sites flourish as long as they have a clear connection to the “parent” site that has already gained trust.
Topical Relevance of Inbound Links to Site
The subject-specific relationship between the sites/pages linking to the target page and the target keyword
3.9High Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
think, in a perfect algorythm, relevance matters. Whether Google has
figured out how to pull it off yet or not, I don’t know but I do
believe that is the ultimate goal. Whether they get more “weight” or
not, relevant links are good business and help with rankings as well.Eric Ward
If it doesn’t I’ve wasted 14 years of my life.
Russ Jones
Does it include the keyword? Again, I still think themes are bunk.
Lucas Ng (aka shor)
of your neighbours have a wide variety of thematic inbound link text
from a wide variety of topical sites. You have the same anchor text
from your unrelated porn/pills/casino link farm. Chances are a search
engine can instantly spot you as a ‘deviant’ from the norm and flag you
as having an unnatural inbound linking pattern. -
Link Popularity of Site in Topical Community
The link weight/authority of the target website amongst its topical peers in the online world
3.9High Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
never been as community/relevance-focused as say, Teoma, but I do think
they are working on relevance issues do help return more focused
seen one of my sites goes from #39 to #1 right after I got 1 link…
from the #1 spot on the keyword I was trying to get… So I’ll let you
guess what my answer is.Lucas Ng (aka shor)
niche site may not have a high quantity of links but a few links from
the ‘authorities’ in the neighbourhood is often enough to rank the site
above the authorities for niche-related keywords. The authoritative
sites are telling the search engines “Hey, we’re voting for this site
for these niche (anchor text) keywords”. -
Rate of New Inbound Links to Site
The frequency and timing of external sites linking in to the given domain
3.5High Importance
0.9High Consensus
Neil Patel
If you keep on getting thousands of natural links your rankings will start going up. I have seen this quite a bit due to Digg.
Ben Pfeiffer
Can have dramatic effects for new sites.
Debra Mastaler
seen sites go up in rank with a large # of new inbounds when there’s
also an increase in content/traffic/publicity/links. There can be a
delay in seeing upward rank if themajority of links accured come from
crap sites. I have never seen a site take a hit when a large # of links
are added. -
Relevance of Site’s Primary Subject Matter to Query
The topical relationships between the full content of a website and a user’s given query
3.1High Importance
1.4Highly Disputed
As long as you have some anchor text with the query words from sites that are about the query topic.
Ben Pfeiffer
say we wouldn’t have very good search results if this didn’t matter.
Important more so now that Google has attacked the reasons for google
bombs in order so that this is more in line.Will Critchlow
Counter examples include wide-reaching sites such as wikipedia.
Historical Performance of Site as Measured by Time Spent on Page, Clickthroughs from SERPs, Direct Visits, Bookmarks, etc.
of click-through-rate, time spent on a page/site, direct navigation via
bookmarks, etc. that Google may be measuring through use of their
toolbar, free wifi, Google analytics, etc. (note that this is purely
speculation as Google has never publicly admitted to monitoring or
recording this data)2.8Moderate Importance
1.3Highly Disputed
They need their heads examined if they are not looking at this!
Andy Hagans
This is future looking–will matter more in ’08 than it does in ’07.
Lucas Ng (aka shor)
more important. There’s little doubt that the search engines can ‘see’
what users are doing, especially users that have opted-in to certain
search engine products. Once you have a critical mass of users, why
wouldn’t you use that data? If I knew that the no.2 result has 5x the
click-through rate of no.1, I’d be moving no.2 to no.1 ASAP! It’s
obviously more relevant to the engine’s users…Ruud Hein
believe Google is still at the learning stage here: gather data and try
to understand it, try to map it to actual user behavior. Which patterns
map to which type of searches and sites? -
Manual Authority/Weight Given to Site by Google
is occassionally suspected or accused of applying manual manipulation
to a domain or page (note that this factor refers specifically to
positive ranking manipulation)2.6Moderate Importance
1.7Highly Disputed
Danny Sullivan
speculating here, Rand? And why not a manual authority for Yahoo, which
we actually know does indeed give sites a human authority checkoff
because they’ve explicitly said this.Rand Fishkin
I don’t personally believe that Google manually assigns weight to domains.
Debra Mastaler
It’s the only way DMOZ survives.
Will Critchlow
If it ever happens – I think this is rare, but if it did happen, it would be potentially a strong weight.
Chris Boggs
Wikipedia for example?
TLD Extension of Site (edu, gov, us, ca, com, etc)
top-level domain extension of the site. Note that some domains, such as
.edu, .gov, .mil and others have restrictions on who may purchase them2.6Moderate Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Jonah Stein
is at best a small difference within the TLDs for .com, .edu, .gov,
.org and .mil. The common belief that the TLD matters is actually an
artifact of the linking profile common for a .edu, .org or .mil site
that is different than a commercial site. Other TLDs like .tv and .go
are much less desirable.Danny Sullivan
And much more if we’re talking country specific sites.
Lucas Ng (aka shor)
you like a crappy college student’s .edu page or a topical link from an
authority? It’s not so much the TLD that matters but the fact that
gov/edu sites are usually very authoritative sites, due to the number
of IBL they receive.Ruud Hein
TLD’s can only apply to new sites/domains. So they have the young site
drawback. The drawback is age of the domain, not the TLD itself. -
Rate of New Pages Added to Site
The amount & frequency of new, spiderable documents added to the domain over time
2.5Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
don’t believe the rate of adding pages has anything to do with ranking,
but I do believe the more good pages of content you have, the better.Barry Welford
A large apparently automatic addition of large numbers of web pages might trigger some reaction.
Ben Pfeiffer
think you are fine here. In my experience I have never seen a negative
from too many pages. I think its been said that anything over 500,000
pages is flagged for a review. Just don’t be stupid.Laura Lippay
taken in context – a News site can have 1,000 new pages a day, where a
Pets site might have 1 a week, but that is the norm for that site.
Deviation from the norm might be the item of importance here. -
Number of Queries for Site/Domain over Time
The frequency of searches for the domain name or the company/organization’s brand as measured through Google’s search query logs
2Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
If the crowds are clammoring for you they need to listen.
Wil Reynolds
This would be neat now, but could be too easily manipulated for bad over time.
Ben Pfeiffer
potentially impact rankings. Google looks at this data of course but
its hard to say whether its a current part of the algorithm.Elisabeth Osmeloski
don’t know of any evidence to really support this, but I would (gut
reaction) suspect that frequent searches for the same site over time
may impact a SERP. -
Slight Importance
0.7High Consensus
Neil Patel
I have been using Google Webmaster Central for a good amount of sites, and for most it really has not helped.
Aaron Wall
Most quality sites will not be verified for some time to come.
Michael Gray
not help with ranking, however can increase crawling rate and
re-inclusion requests from webmaster central are given more attention.Chris Boggs
IMO would only produce an effect if Webmaster Central’s recommendations
are implemented, and these effects would fall under other factors. -
Inbound Link Attribute
These pieces affect Google’s weighting of links from external websites pointing to a page.
4.4Exceptional Importance
0.8High Consensus
Aaron Wall
Over the past year or two Google moved away from anchor text and more toward domain authority and number of quality citations.
Mike McDonald
text of the inbound link is one of the most concise assessments another
person can make about what your site/page is ‘about’.Michael Gray
Anchor text plays a role as does the text adjacent to the link.
Marcus Tandler
Anchor Text is still the single most important factor
High Importance
1.3Highly Disputed
Marcus Tandler
the better the linking site, the better the link
Chris Boggs
The link populairty of the linking page and site is probably the most important factor when deciding on a link.
High Importance
0.9Average Agreement
Mike McDonald
Topical relationship is not necessarily indicative of authority.
Very important.
Chris Boggs
Aagain, some sites/pages typically have a variety of subject matter.
Link Popularity of Site in Topical Community
The link weight/authority of the target website amongst its topical peers in the online world
3.5High Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
I don’t think Google is “there” yet in terms of relevance, but I believe they are working towards that.
Michael Gray
if you don’t have any links within your community it’s going to be much more difficult to rank.
Marcus Tandler
especially true with hubs within a topical community
High Importance
1.1Average Agreement
Neil Patel
This makes it difficult to take out old sites that rank well.
Russ Jones
Links aging, I believe, is a fundamental factor in the latest search algorithms.
Chris Boggs
We have tested and it seems that 3-4 months is a minimum target for Google, and the longer after that the better.
High Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Very important.
Marcus Tandler
enough, if itยดs a trusted domain, and the page your link is on is
relevant … but it sure helps if the whole site is topically relevant
to your site -
High Importance
0.9High Consensus
Neil Patel
launched a site called Fruit Cast a year or so ago and it ranked for
podcast advertising right away because of the text surrounding the
links. It still ranks today and I have nothing on that site.Michael Gray
given more weight when the anchor text is non keyword focused such as “click here”
Marcus Tandler
probably get more important in the future. link clusters in the footer
f.e. are a clear sign for google, that the links are not that valuableChris Boggs
on recent studies, this is becoming more and more important. Looking at
Google Image results testing showed us that they wheigh the image’s
content based on surrounding text as much as any image feature. -
Moderate Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Eric Ward
seen instances where one link from one internal page from one site
resulted in page one rankings for the site being linked to.Michael Gray
properly focused internal anchor text is very helpful once domain trust has been established.
Chris Boggs
This can backfire if gamed too ehavily and if the site has too few IBLs from other domains.
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Ben Pfeiffer
Yes this is impactful based on when the link was created and how long it has been around. A lot going on here.
Chris Boggs
same as age of link
Moderate Importance
1.2Average Agreement
theory “no”… but most know that .edu and .gov links are valuable
because they often have a ton of trusted and powerful links hitting
them from great websites.Michael Gray
.gov and .edu sites are more important
Marcus Tandler
tend to overrate .edu links. A link from an .edu site has no bonus,
itยดs just that university tend to have more trust then other
sites by their charastics – being old & crusty and having tons of
inbound links. -
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Lots of people will say “no” but it is still a good measure of connectivity and says something about the site.
Aaron Wall
toolbar is perpetually outdated, but Google uses PageRank values to
help set crawling priorities and to determine if a document should go
in the regular or supplmental index.Mike McDonald
Good as a general barometer. Don’t get too wound up over it though.
Ben Pfeiffer
think we have said all we need to say on PageRank. Its not much a
factor anymore and data presented in a toolbar is months old. Webmaster
have become to reliant on this indicator to make their decisions. -
Negative Crawling/Ranking Attributes
These components may negatively affect a spider’s ability to crawl a page or its rankings at Google.
3.8High Importance
1.3Highly Disputed
Why should they have links high in the SERPs that click through to air?
Aaron Wall
they can’t crawl your new content then others are at an advantage by
being crawled first. Plus if a server is down often search engines may
not want to send visitors to that site as much.Ben Pfeiffer
If the site is not live for more than 48 hours it seems to drop pretty fast from the index.
High Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
the engines only need one copy of the exact same content, I do think
they drop identical content. In a perfect world, there would be a lot
less duplicates in the listings and I think that is where Google is
headed. I don’t think duplicate content draws a penalty- it just isn’t
needed in the index.DazzlinDonna
If your content is filtered out as a duplicate, then that is strongly detrimental.
Laura Lippay
Can affect visibility and/or indirectly affect ranking by splitting inlink value, depending on the nature of the “duplicate”.
High Importance
1.2Average Agreement
Russ Jones
a black hat SEO who didn’t learn this lesson the hard way after ruining
their 1 white hat venture by using it to index a spam site.Lucas Ng (aka shor)
Linking out to a low quality neighbourhood flags you as a resident of the same neighbourhood.
Ani Kortikar
its the ratio of bad links/total links that is important.
Natasha Robinson
I still file this one under Google FUD.
High Importance
1.3Highly Disputed
Aaron Wall
content filters are getting tougher. If a site does not have much
content and has excessive duplication it not only suppresses rankings,
but it may also get many pages thrown in the supplemental results.Ben Pfeiffer
think this question is confusing and needs to be rephrased. Having the
same titles and metas on the entire site is not going to inhibit
rankings or crawling. The site just doesn’t rank as well because its
not optimized correctly. Google will try to extract as much
information/relevance from the site and rank it according to that.Lucas Ng (aka shor)
duplicate titles on many pages severely limits the ranking ability of
your pages, especially those in the long tail that will not have many
inbound links. Those pages compete on internal links and title tag
relevance, so its important to have a unique title on each page.Chris Boggs
Seems to be the number one way into supplementals, at least for now.
High Importance
1Average Agreement
Scottie Claiborne
I think this has to be pretty extreme, but yes, I believe stuffed sites can be impacted with lower rankings.
Way less important in foreign languages
Lucas Ng (aka shor)
method the SEs user to target stuffing, once a certain threshold is
breached, the page in question gets flagged and some bad things could
happen to your SE presence.Natasha Robinson
Again… those viagra and real estate splogs still seem to do alright.
High Importance
1.4Highly Disputed
Danny Sullivan
That is, if spotted.
Aaron Wall
have seen sites with mostly low quality links rank well for fairly
competitive phrases. I have also seen sites with cheesy reciprocal link
directories not rank until AFTER they pulled the reciprocal link list
off their site. Also, the more good links you have the more shady stuff
you can get away with.Ben Pfeiffer
say they look for paid links with probability models and sophisticated
algo tricks. Some sites are easily identified and prevented from
passing pagerank. There are plenty of sites however that are not
targeted like this and still useful for buying links from. I would be
random, deliberate, and dont’ follow the crowd when buying links.Joost de Valk
Might disable your outbound link quality…
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Thomas Bindl
slower crawl, but no influence to ranking
Ben Pfeiffer
Crawlers operate within milliseconds, just be sure your site is able to be crawled as often as needed.
Debra Mastaler
depends on the quality of the elevator music played.
Lucas Ng (aka shor)
Limits the crawlerability of the site.
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Jonah Stein
This is threshold sensitive. If a majority of the links are from spam sites it is detrimental.
Scottie Claiborne
I think inbound links from spammy sites can hurt a new/untrusted site, but don’t believe they have any effect on a trusted site.
Aaron Wall
you have a new site and most or all of your links are from spam sites
it might be hard ever earn trust in Google. Older sites with many
trusted links can get away with having many more spam links. It is more
about the ratio of good links to bad links than the exact number of bad
links.Lucas Ng (aka shor)
Google identifies a page with a low signal-to-noise ratio (low quality
vs. high quality links), its very likely that page will have its link
juice diminished or discounted/ -
Moderate Importance
1Average Agreement
Eric Enge
If your visits are low compared to similarly placed competition, this
may be detrimental, and certainly will be so in a big way in the future.Aaron Wall
Usage data is one sign of quality. If a site lacks that it may need to make up for that with other signs of quality.
Will Critchlow
I believe this will be the big change in our industry – the increase of this kind of effect.
Google Ranking Questions