One of the major take-away messages from MarketingSherpa’s Viral Marketing 2007 survey, which was released in April, is that marketers who have done extensive work with viral marketing are sticking with it. More than half of marketers say they are planning to launch multiple viral efforts in 2007, and more than 80% of “very experienced” marketers say that viral marketing builds awareness.
According to the survey, the majority of experienced viral players are consumer marketers — but 48% of consumer marketers still don’t have a tell-a-friend feature. 52% of those without any viral marketing experience are BtoB marketers, and 28% of BtoB marketers classify themselves as “very experienced” with viral marketing.
Other findings:
* 37% of BtoC marketers and 27% of BtoB marketers say getting mentioned in the blogosphere is a high-impact tactic.
* 34% of BtoC marketers and 18% of BtoB marketers say posting to social communities is a high-impact tactic.
* 77% of BtoC marketers and 75% of BtoB marketers say they plan to encourage email forwarding in 2007, and 72% of BtoC marketers say they will use tell-a-friend features on their websites in 2007.
Learn more (MarketingSherpa Article)